9TH OF DECEMBER (18:00 – 20:30) – ONLINE

MOSAIC salon invites you to join its fifth online gathering! In order to build a “totally good future” for all, we will be holding space for relevant topics that need transformation. In this MOSAIC salon online gathering we will address:

The Future of value flow is abundant – the generation of true value.

What value would I like to see grow with every act, whether personal, professional or societal? 
We will always bring you a taste of 2050 and have invited wonderful people to facilitate the breakout rooms (personal and professional mastery as well as sharing “asks” to the community) and as celebration is always in order, we will also have music and a dance room as well as chat rooms where you can mingle with participants.

  • OYSTER room will introduce inspirational projects with their asks.
  • WISDOM room will hold space for discussion on the topic at strategy level, addressing how we may shift to the well-being thriving system.

The fee for each gathering is donation based. If you would like to contribute, please check the box on the registration form.

Thank you for joining us!

Gathering 5



Andrew was born in the UK by the windswept Cornish coast, a passionate diver, barely a day out of the water, started his own dive business in Indonesia in 1999. Partnering with Marit, and with agreement of local the clans, Andrew created a 300,000-acre Private Marine Reserve in Misool, Indonesia (about the size of the 5 boroughs of NYC). The area is now known as the epicentre of global marine biodiversity.  Andrew co-founded Misool private island resort as a funding vehicle for the conservation work that was desperately needed in that area. Misool’s sister foundation, runs a 19 strong team of local rangers, many of them former shark finners who now patrol the Marine Reserve 24/7, protecting this biodiverse and pristine ecosystem. Further programs run by the foundation include a community-based ocean bound plastic recycling program and a manta ray monitoring and ID program.

In recognition of this work, in 2017, the industry’s World Travel & Tourist Council awarded Misool its most prestigious prize, the Tourism for Tomorrow Award.


Franz is a universal citizen with roots between Austria and Guatemala. These contrasting yet complementary perspectives allowed him to question existing cultural paradigms built on scarcity from an early age. Dedication to the fields of innovation and global development has enabled Franz to gather transdisciplinary experience working with international organizations, governments, the private sector, NGOs, and academia. This process allowed him to recognize pervading patterns and embrace a whole-systems approach to development that effectively provides value towards the entirety of the system.