CIRCLES are broad stakeholder meetings happening at regular intervals and addressing a specific challenge. Aiming for immediate action, we facilitate dialogue between multiple perspectives, in order to reach consensual positions.

Our objective is to explore the common ground in the addressed topic, to identify common values and to build a call for action. We have currently two active circles:


We are water…

REBUNDANCE is seeking to actively and effectively contribute to Planet Regeneration and to Communities’ Resilience by supporting and holding space for initiatives that transform society in the following four key areas:

  • Renewable resources – this is calling for radical decentralization  
  • Local currencies – this is calling for real societal values to benefit from and to be embedded in currency and in all transactions 
  • Life with Dignity – this calls for an inclusive and interrelational approach to societal intervention 
  • Future of Time – this calls for reframing our relationship with being and doing

REBUNDANCE is hosting the “Alive Water Circle” with the intention of contributing to “bringing life fully back into the water cycle and allowing water fully back into our lives”. Conscious of how our individual life choices matter in the bigger picture of civilization, it is important during the times we live in, to work together on the challenge of how we may evolve our relationship with water, so that we might become its true custodians.

Together with a broad group of compassionate people, REBUNDANCE will hold space for the emergence of a clear ASK, expressing the desire to transform our relationship with water for the benefit of all Living Beings and the Planet. This ASK may become a Manifesto calling for a new level of consciousness in our relationship with water.

REBUNDANCE facilitates this Circle with the objective of unlocking the latent potential of shifting the system to promote abundant, local, accessible, urban (and beyond), high quality water cycles.

In the Alive Water Circle we will explore common values, we will build on these, listen to each participant’s views on the topic of water, collaborate in the design of a common calling (by using transversal and in depth design tools) and this will possibly result in a Manifesto for Water to come alive.

This Circle will convene online, in accordance with best policy practices to minimize the Coronavirus spread. We aim to meet once a month for 2 hours. Post Corona we will shift meetings to an inspiring physical location, where we will be able to share and enjoy healthy nutrition.

We would love to bring together all of you who feel the calling to contribute to a more conscious relationship with water. We invite water beneficiaries, water experts, water lovers and water wizards! The more diverse the perspectives collaborating in this group, the better!

If this invitation resonates with you, please reach out to us, by emailing us on: with the following information: your name, email address and a short sentence or two describing what you love most about water. We also need your permission to place your email address visibly to the group of people who will take part in this circle.


There is no intrinsic business model associated with this working group, so as to allow the voice of this collaboration to come from collective needs.


The first CIRCLE “Manifesto for Food Evolution” and addresses the future of the Mediterranean diet, taking health and planet to heart. Food related chronic illnesses are corroding societal resilience, locking us into vicious patterns.  REBUNDANCE facilitates this Circle with the objective of unlocking the latent potential of shifting the system to promote abundant, locally grown, urban high quality foods.

We need to live our lives to the fullest – this means that at various dimensions, balance needs to be in place.  In the physical body, at micro level, our cells need to access all the clean nutrients needed for our metabolism to function perfectly and, at the macro level, it means that there is no toxic overload in all the air we breathe and the food we eat.

We live in times where industries have harnessed more lobby power than the governments we elect can counter – this leaves us less protected than we believe.

It is really up to us to vote with our life choices. 

REBUNDANCE invited a very broad and diverse group of Stakeholders to join the challenge of designing a Manifesto for Food Evolution and this Circle was born! 

We decided to kick start the design of the Manifesto by defining, consensually, the set of values on which to build the future of food: Agile, Collaborative, Courageous, Renewable, Systemic, Transparent, Trustworthy.

Over almost one year we have been meeting in this Circle, once a month, to launch a first and consensual draft of this Manifesto for discussion in a broader group of Stakeholders.


There is no intrinsic business model associated with this working group, so as to allow the voice of this collaboration to come from collective needs.

More soon!

If you would like to join this Circle, please contact us via